Monday 24 March 2014

The ZEN of EGO

Seven Things (our Ego tells us) to do when we’re Having a Bad Day.

Rough day? Ego knows what to do about it:

Stressed out? Don’t engage in maitri. Instead, dwell in self-pity or anger. Drink. Pick your zits. Jerk off. Overeat. Stay in doors. Engage in self-hate, or hurt others.
1. You could not take things personally, or focus on the end result…but no. Fuck that. Time to take things personally, and lose sight of the point of everything. Instead, act like a petulant child. The world’s against You.
2. Stressed? Don’t exercise—don’t breathe deeply—react out of irritation, fear, anger and speediness. React, react, react. Create drama—that always helps.
3. Blame. You could accept the blame, even if it’s not yours, be big about things and get back to solving the issue at hand…but no. Blame others, that works like a charm.
4. Go outside, cry, jump in a hot tub or pool, eat some real food sitting down….nah. Smoke. While surfing your smartphone. Or drink. Or eat emotionally. Or watch some stupid TV and zone it all out. That’s how all the greats throughout history handled their moodiness, right? Gandhi, Winston, Einstein…they all had both Netflix Streaming and the 3 DVD plan at a time.
5. Talk with friends? Connect with community? Fuck friends, they’re all jerks. Fuck community. Instead, yell at others. Hit others. Or at least slam doors. Grit your teeth. Say and type fuck a lot. USE ALL CAPS.
6. Take a break. Do less, not more. Don’t do anything rash. Or, quit! Fire someone! Break up! Argue! Even if you know you’re wrong, do not give up!
7. Here’s the thing: we do things that aren’t healthy and dig ourselves in deeper when we’re stressed. So pause. Do something different. Move. Exercise. Meditate. Try a simple inversion or heart opener. Hah, just kidding, jerkface: go pick on someone or something smaller or different than You.
Some folks are grateful that the thorn bush has roses. Instead, be pissed off that the roses have thorns. Life is half empty, and then you die. Best to collect the most toys, and seek the most pleasure, along the way.
That line of thinking, after all, is what simple-minded selfishness is made of.
True selfishness, of course, is thinking about the welfare of others, and our planet, and ourselves—all three, together. Because the universe is interconnected, and so are its laws.
So be a rebel: fight the universe, and see who wins out. I bet it’s You.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Oh God, Who are You?

As we know Einstein’s theory of relativity states that E=MC2 i.e. energy can be transformed or converted in to matter and vice versa, and also we know about the dual nature of energy, the particle nature and the wave nature. That means in simple words what we are made up of is energy which is behaving as particle, and wave, both, that is why our body constantly needs energy to survive which it gets from the food and where does the food comes from, say from the plants and where do the plants get the energy from, well, from the sun, so it in simple words sun is the main source of energy for the earth, that is why many Sanyasis and Yogis can survive without food for years because they absorb the energy directly from the sun without any medium like food. So it should be clear by now that our whole body is merely the energy vibration , but if our body is energy then who are we? Well, answer lies in the Big-Bang,  but before putting light on the Big-Bang , beautiful lines by a famous shayar Shamsher Bahadur Singh:

ख्याल भी है मेरा जिस्म , गो नहीं वह मैं.
ये जिंदगी की है एक किस्म , गो नहीं वह मैं.
जो होने होने में है, मैं हूँ मेरा यकीन करो.
खुदा भी है मेरा ही इस्म, गो नहीं वह मैं.

Big bang tells about the creation of universe. According to which universe came out from the state of nothingness, but as we know according to law of conservation of energy, energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only be transformed from one form to another. It is pretty hard to understand the state of nothingness that is the state of timelessness until our consciousness is awakened.

Now let me tell you about our scriptures , Shiva and Shakti, Brahma and Saraswati(goddess of knowledge), Krishna and Radha, are nothing but the consciousness and energy ,which are constantly creating the illusion of this universe (mithyajagat). Is that clear now what God is. God lies within ourselves not somewhere in the sky. We are the God, but we must realise that state of being God which is also known as attaining Lakshmi, Lakshmi has nothing to do with your bank balance, Lakshmi is the universal enrichment which comes out as the automatic by-product of the internal self realisation or Amrita.

I really can’t understand why people pray to Lakshmi on Diwali for Money.

Just reading and not thinking is just the wastage of time. If you are only reading and not thinking what I am saying then better not to waste your time, otherwise lot more to come.

Symbolism of Samundra Manthan

I want more and more people to understand the hidden truths so that we can really understand the actual meaning of these "puranic" stories.

The story represents the spiritual endeavor of a person to achieve self-realisation through concentration of mind, withdrawal of senses, control of desires and practice of austerities and asceticism, this is done by meditation.

 • The Devas and Asuras represent the positives and negatives respectively of one's personality. The participation of both the Devas and the Asuras signifies that when one is seeking bliss through spiritual practice, one has to integrate and harmonise both the positive and negative aspects and put both the energies to work for the common goal.

• The ocean of milk is the mind or the human consciousness. The mind is like an ocean while the thoughts and emotions are the waves in the ocean.

• Mandhara, the mountain symbolises concentration. The word Mandhara is made up of two words Mana (mind) and Dhara (a single line) which means holding the mind in one line. This is possible only by concentration.

• Mount Mandhara was upheld by Lord Vishnu as a Kurma (tortoise). The tortoise here symbolises the withdrawal of the senses into oneself (just as a tortoise withdraws its head into its shell) as one practices mental concentration and meditation or contemplation.

• Vasuki symbolises desire. Vasuki used in the churning of the ocean denotes that the Devas and the demons held desire (to seek immortality) as a rope and churned the mind with the help of concentration and withdrawal of the senses. Desire, if not controlled will overpower and destroy an individual.

• The Halahala poison symbolises suffering and pain (counter-reaction of the mind and body) that one undergoes at the beginning of spiritual sadhana (practice). When the mind is subjected to intense concentration, the first thing that comes out of the process is intense suffering and great inner turmoil. These must be resolved otherwise further progress is not possible.

• Lord Shiva symbolises the ascetic principle. His role in this story as the consumer of poison suggests that one can deal with the early problems of spiritual life by cultivating the qualities of Lord Shiva, namely, courage, initiative, willingness, discipline, simplicity, austerity, detachment, compassion, pure love and asceticism.

• The various precious objects that come out of the ocean during the churning stand for the psychic or spiritual powers (Siddhis) which one gains as s/he progresses spiritually from stage to stage. The seeker should be careful about these powers as they can hamper her/his progress unless s/he uses them judiciously, not for selfish gains but for others' welfare. This is the reason why the Gods and demons distributed these objects as they did not want to lose sight of their original aim which was to gain immortality.

• Dhanvantari symbolises health and signifies that immortality (longevity, to be correct) or spiritual success can be achieved only when the body and the mind are in a perfect state of health.

• Mohini symbolises delusion of the mind in the form of (or originating from) pride. It is the pride of achievement to which the asuras or the demons succumbed and thus lost sight of their goal. Pride and egoism are the last hurdles one has to overcome in spiritual life before experiencing self-realisation.

• The Amrit symbolises the ultimate achievement of the goal of self-realistion.

• Lakshmi represents universal enrichment which comes as an automatic by-product of the internal self-realization or Amrita

So I hope on this diwali instead of praying Lakshmi as a goddess of money we will try to attain Lakshmi by self realisation and knowing ourselves what we are and why we are here.
Just try to open your eyes, use your brains and ultimately you will know that there was no need to use the brain it was being used automatically for what our goal is.

Thursday 5 January 2012


Ancient yogis or spiritual aspirants used to put tilak on their forhead to activate third eye chakra or behind where lies the pituitary gland in order to meditate better. The pituitary gland is small organ, at the bottom of the brain. It is... the master gland of the human body, this gland produces and secretes many hormones that travel throughout the body, directing certain processes stimulating other glands to produce different types of hormones. The pituitary gland controls biochemical processes important to our well-being.
This practice continues today as tradition. Actually, putting tilak or anything on your forhead does have calming effect. In Hinduism people wear tilak on their forehead. There is variety in tilak it could be sandal paste or chandan tilak, it could be kumkum that is made of red turmeric powder. Earlier women used to apply a real kumkum tilak on their forehead but now due to the lack of the time they just put a sticker bindis which are not at all beneficial. Its a believe that a woman should put a kukum tilak on her forehead as that is for her husband's long life.
There is also a scientific reason behind tilak on forehead. Tilak is made up of chandan or turmeric powder and both of them are cool. There is Aajna chakra between eyebrows and applying tilak on that spot makes a cool effect and also good for memory. We suppose to hide our anjan chakra from direct light of sun because this chakra is very sensitive and invoked very fast so we use tikal to avooid direct sun light also
Tilak stimulates the gland and makes it more active. By putting tilak one can rise its third eye. It helps pran to come up. When pran remains up one has great thoughts in mind but when it goes down one thinks only hateful thinks and do hateful works i.e sign of no wisdom.
Women has their pran down so it is a tough rule for them to put tilak. Now a days bindis have taken place of tilak. This is a shame. Because to stimulate the third eye the material used should be pious. Bindis contain gum made up of improper material and not pious. So women should avoid using bindis. Put tilak of kumkum or sandalwood paste, remains of yajna.

By applying Tilak on the forehead....your personality get attracted.....tilak represents reverence. Also, there is a nerve connecting to the brain which is present between the eyebrows which connects the memory concentration of the body, so when we put tilak it constantly stimulates it and keeps it active, so that our mind body and soul are under our control.
हिंदुओं ने तिलक क्यों धारण करना चाहिए ? हमारे दोनों भोहों के मध्य में आज्ञा चक्र होता है , इस चक्र में सूक्ष्म द्वार होता है जिससे इष्ट और अनिष्ट दोनों ही शक्ति प्रवेश कर सकती है , यदि इस सूक्ष्म प्रवेश द्वार को हम सात्त्विक पदार्थ का लेप एक विशेष रूप में दें तो इससे ब्रह्माण्ड में व्याप्त इष्टकारी शक्ति हमारे पिंड में आकृष्ट होती है और इससे हमारा अनिष्ट शक्तियों से रक्षण भी होता है | तिलक लगते सम...य चन्दन, बुक्का, विभूति , हल्दी-कुमकुम जैसेसात्त्विक पदार्थों का प्रयोग करना चाहिए साथ ही स्त्रीयों ने गोल और पुरुषों ने खड़े तिलक लगाने चाहिए , यदि कोई विशेष संप्रदाय से संबन्धित हो तो उसके अनुसार तिलक लगाना चाहिए | तिलक लगाने से मन शांत रहता है , अनिष्ट शक्तियों से रक्षण होने के कारण और देवत्व आकृष्ट होने के कारण हमारे चारों ओर सूक्ष्म कवच का निर्माण होता है | आजकल कुछ स्त्रीयाँ टीवी धारावाहिक देखकर विचित्र आकार के टीका लगती हैं उससे भी ऐसे व्यक्ति को आसुरी शक्ति का कष्ट होता है | उसी प्रकार आजकल बाज़ार में उपलब्ध प्लास्टिक की बिंदी लगाने से भी कोई लाभ नहीं होता क्योंकि उसमे देवत्व को आकृष्ट करने की क्षमता नहीं होती ! तिलक धारण करने से प्रत्येक जीवात्मा को उसके आध्यात्म शास्त्रीय लाभ अवश्य मिलता है चाहे वह हिन्दू हो या ईसाई हो या अन्य किसी भी धर्म का हो !!

Sunday 2 October 2011

The Sixth Sense

We are equipped with five senses, which acquire the knowledge of the “material” world for us and make us aware of the physical aspects of the world. The arguments between matter and spirit is known as spiritual war which we know as battle of Mahabharata.
The reason is, we are not only unaware of the sixth sense but also humiliate it now and then. Say, we are deprived of all five senses right from our birth, we are still aware of our self. The sense which makes us aware of our SELF is known as common sense or sixth sense, or KARNA in Mahabharata, who is humiliated by the 5 senses the Pandavas.
Therefore, a Spiritual war(of arguments) has to be arranged on the battlefield of KURU-KSHETRA(karmabhoomi/Body) to win the royal Kingdom of GOD, Indraprastha. The weapon to be used is LOGIC, which is as sharp as an arrow.
The situation in this war is more complex as the sixth sense the KARNA(which is capable of listening to inner voiceantahkarna favours KAURAVAS(material aspect of the universe), so the PAARTH(Learner) has to lift his bow, the gandeev (secven chakras) and should listen to his inner voice of the SELF (KRISHNA) to win the battle !

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Mind Body Connection

In the Beginning

Before going further we need to understand the basic principles of Spirituality.

So here we go.

We are all IMMORTAL SPIRIT BEINGS who have lived out THOUSANDS of other physical lives here on earth before this one. Each time we die, we return to the spirit world and have a conference with wise counselors who review our life's history and help us decide on the best plan for our future and continued SPIRITUAL GROWTH. for our NEXT physical lifetime.The memory of our past lives is erased from our conscious mind. When we begin a new life in order to allow us the complete freedom of making truly unbiased Spiritual decisions. Eventually we figure out what's going on , live better lives and earn the right to incarnate on other worlds where "the living is easier" and not nearly as contentious as earth life. As we progress upwards (spiritually), we find ourselves experiencing higher (and lighter) frequency realms. Earth life is merely the first (and lowest) rung of a very long ladder of spiritual evolution.

The Hypocrites and the Religions

I'm trying to get across the point that a fundamental misdirection has been taught by many organized religions that was never taught by the Founder of that religion, this misdirection did not come about by accident, It was intentional, t is the work of men who sought to gather power and privilege to themselves using the pretext of being earthly representatives of God (Churches and Pop). The purpose was to create a hierarchy of controlling elites at the top and the "'followers" down below who were expected to pay the bills, a similar hierarchy evolved in the secular world with the idea of kingship/royalty( The British Crown) and their "subjects" who again, were expected to pay for the privilege of being ruled and controlled. The true teachings of Christ, Muhammad, Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha and many other great spiritual teachers of antiquity were twisted and distorted by these elites desiring to create a paradigm of control and obedience to them.

Our Reality

We are much more than what we appear to be we base our perception of ourselves on what we see in the mirror , this physical perception is reinforced by society, our schools, and even our religions, Lord Jesus, Mother Mary, Lord Krishna, Lord Buddha, Mohammed, Zoarastra, etc. these all are thought of as Prophets or Saviors of Mankind who exist somewhere out there. When we pray to Them, we hope they can hear us out there and will come to our rescue when we need them to save us from some dire situation . God is typically viewed as a Father figure, often depicted as a very muscular looking old man with a long white beard who is sitting on a throne in Heaven. Of course, many religions also teach us that their anointed representatives are necessary middlemen required to represent our interests before God, sort of like metaphysical lawyers , and you know how beneficial and necessary lawyers are, don't you?

Support Team

You have a team of Angels and Spirit Guides who have been 'assigned' to assist you during your earthly journey. Sometimes your Guides are changed or rotated depending on what sort of help you need at any given moment in your life. Guides are always beings who have experienced physical life many, many times and are very knowledgeable in the ways of the world. Your Angels, who have never experienced the physical plane, stay with you for the duration. These helpers always work in the background, but their assistance can become much more abundant and obvious if you attempt to communicate with them and seek their help.

One of the things that you'll never hear about from conventional religious instructions is that there are certain spiritual Universal Laws in place that are in operation at all times throughout the universe. These Laws are inviolate and apply to all sentient beings whether you exist on the physical plane or in higher, non physical dimensions. They apply whether you come from Earth, Sirius B, Mars, Nibiru, Venus, or any other planet in this galaxy or any other galaxy. They apply in all the higher dimensional planes as well.

Higher Self

Another topic that is never discussed in traditional religious education is the concept of the Higher Self. You think there is just you, the face you see in the mirror, and that you are alone in the world. You assume that the ego, the part of you that tenaciously clings to life,it is not so.

There is much more to you than you might imagine, the face you see in the mirror is but one aspect, in physical form, of your soul, but your soul is yet part of a larger concept called the Super soul. The Higher Self is the 'director', in a manner of speaking, of the Super soul and is directly connected to the Universal Cosmic Mind, which in turn is connected to the core of all creation God.

All knowledge, all truths, and all possibilities exists within the Universal Cosmic Mind. If you can gain access to this "Above Top Secret" cosmic computer room, you can find out anything you want and manipulate reality to satisfy your wishes.

Wednesday 15 June 2011


Capitalism is about a blower and a balloon. When a blower inflates a balloon, he can manage his own breath for his own survival, irrespective of the health of the balloon he is inflating and when the balloon is about to burst the blower can maintain the distance from the explosion , but those who are inside the balloon are going to die for sure.
  The blower is a capitalist, balloon is the economy and the investors who helped the blower to inflate the balloon are inside the system unaware of the fate of the balloon. This model is unidirectional, always expanding towards the infinity like the universe . Universe would collapse one day and so would the capitalist states. The capitalism can only sustain if the “size” of the economy keeps expanding, we need “Large” economies to provide larger space to for the goods to be traded or consumed. But when the consumerism is on the peak that is the indication of collapse of the capitalism, and today the picture is very similar.

Just try to think, why our mobile phones, digital cameras, laptops , and many other electronic gadgets are depreciated enormously. How come the temporary structures made up from some steel and cement are appreciating in the market? How can it be possible? It just can not happen, because it is against the LAWS of economics which are very similar with the laws of universe . Do we really need “Large” economies; don’t we need the strength?
Whom would you bet upon in a wrestling match, “Sushil Kumar” or “Khali”... “Strength” or “Size”...???

Communist states are like a half black, half white circular disc, mark a dot anywhere in the periphery you would find an exactly opposite point for marking another dot. Two opposite dots are of “Rich” and “Poor” or “Master” and slave”. The disc would revolve only if the pressure of poor dot to become the rich dot is happily tolerated by the rich dot to provide the momentum to the system, but if it doesn't happen and the pressure of the poor black dot is challenged by the rich white dot, the resistance would be developed and the disc would be broken after sometime. And the same is happening now, rich do not want to become poor and the poor ones want to become rich on any cost.
As we know, we do not want the bulky economies without the strength. The strength in the financial system is generated by the input of commodities derived from the nature or by the tangible and physical assets. The growth of the service industry is always harmful for the economy. Because physical entity can be measured and quantified therefore it can be priced and traded in the market, but the service can neither be quantified not be tagged with price. The money paid to a servant against some work does not contribute the physical input to the system therefore the money generated from the service industry should be taxed and excreted to protect the system from the internal diseases.
Source can not be priced or traded or exchanged, but the resources are. LAND can not be claimed but it can be possessed. Ownership is determined not by claims(Legal papers) but by possession. And the area of possession will not be defined by the physical barriers or the fences but by the space on land one has utilised for his growth, because more he works hard more would the system grow, we need not to nourish ourselves, we need to nourish the system and the system would nourish us.